Wednesday, August 31, 2005

While Nero Fiddled....

Legend has it that while Rome burned, the Emperor Nero 'Fiddled'. There is some dispute over the fact that he just watched Rome burn and then found a group to blame it on, in this case Christians. Further, some claim that he started it and others defend him, saying he actually worked in person to help put it out. ( )

Currently, we are watching while the City of New Orleans is being whisked off the face of the earth by flood, and the politicos are having a field day with it. Rush Limbaugh and company are griping because their party is being blamed by the Democrats and company for the actions they took leading up to this point, such as not paying attention to Global Warming, cutting the budget for the Army Corp of Engineers in the 2006 budget and so on.

Sadly, all of this is a distraction from the real problem; the People of New Orleans need our help, and the Red Cross needs our help to do it.

In the mean time, back to politics. The Bush adminstration, with Dick Chaney leading the charge has managed to remove controls that would safeguard the nations air and water. Additional polution will lead to global warming and that will of course, lead to more tragic weather events as we are seeing now.

Bush cut the budget for the Army Corp of Engineers. This group has control over and is responsible for the maintaince of levys and dams among other items. The dam which broke yesterday was under their control. We will never know if it failed because of proper maintaince. Will New Orleans be able to rebuild, stay tuned.

Bush has sent many of our Military Reservist units to Iraq to fight that war. Thus they are not here to render assistance here and help stave off looting, for example.

Reciently I've been hearing a lot of the talk radio folks on the right say that everything is just fine. Rush Limbaugh for example saying that, "The left just wants to scare you. The ecomony is doing well." Charlie Skyes in Milwaukee saying the same basic thing. And they tell us that the war in Iraq is going well actually. Never mind the daily news of more and more deaths. It's going very well. Stay the course.

These same people have told us (or tried to) that the enviroment is just fine, that global warming is something that the left dreamed up to scare people.

They want to keep fiddling, while Rome burns.

We as people who truly care about the earth and our children and the future need to keep our fight in the forefront.